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What conditions can we can help?

Many ailments can be treated by Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Theoretically it is a complete system of Medicine but there are times while Western Medicine intervention might be needed. The list below shows the conditions commonly treated by Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine.




Asthma                    Bronchitis                    Colds                    Colitis

Constipation           Diarrhoea                    Flu                         Gastritis

Hepatitis                  Hypertension              Indigestion           ME

Migraine                  MS                                 Peptic ulcer         Palpitation

Nephritis                 Nausea/Vomiting        Obesity                Thyroid disorders


Muscular-Skeletal & Neurological


Arthritis                   Back pain                   Frozen Shoulder     Lumbago

Neuralgia                Sciatica                       Sport Injuries           Stiff Neck

Stroke                      Tennis Elbow




Anxiety                    Depression               Fatigue                      Insomnia

Panic Attacks          Stress




Acne                         Dermatitis                Eczema                      Herpes

Psoriasis                  Urticaria




Amenorrhea             Dysmenorrhea          Endometriosis           Hot Flushes

Infertility                    Irregular Period        Menopause                Miscarriage

Morning Sickness     PMT                            Pelvic Inflammation  Vaginal Discharge




Stop Smoking         Stop Alcohol            Stop Drugs


This list is by no means comprehensive. If you want to discuss whether TCM would be appropriate for your condition, please give a call, we would be very happy to talk you.


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